
Publications 2021

2021 (25 publications)

  1. Aubouin-Bonnaventure, J., Fouquereau, E., Coillot, H., Lahiani, F. J. & Chevalier, S. (2021). Virtuous Organizational Practices : A New Construct and a New Inventory. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 17.; Q1.
  2. Beltou, N., Fouquereau, E., Coillot, H., Aubouin-Bonnaventure, J., Huyghebaert, T., & Froissart, X. (2021). Comment favoriser l’anticipation positive d’un déménagement organisationnel chez des salariés ? Test d’un modèle psychosocio-environnemental. Psychologie du travail et des organisations, 27(2), 119-130. ; Q4.
  3. Bordarie, J., Aguerre, C., & Bolteau, L. (2021). Cross cultural adaptation and psychometric properties of French version of the Highly Sensitive Person Scale (HSPS-Fr). European Review of Applied Psychology (REPA); 14, 1041-1052 . ; Q3.
  4. Bosselut, G., Guibert, L., Meyer, S., Chevalier, S., & Fouquereau, E. (2021). Role of psychological ownership and authenticity strength in the relationship between authentic leadership and sport team performance: a multilevel analysis. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 56, 101965 ; Q1.
  5. Bucourt, E., Martaillé, V., Goupille, P., Joncker-Vannier, I., Huttenberger, B., Réveillère, C., Mulleman, D., & Courtois, R. (2021). A comparative study of fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritis and Sjögren’s syndrome; impact of the disease on quality of life, psychological adjustment and use of coping strategies. Pain Medicine, 22(2), 372-381.; Q1.
  6. Chevalier, S., Coillot, H., Colombat, P., Bosselut, G., Guilbert, L., & Fouquereau, E., (2021). An explanatory model of authentic leadership, flourishing and work–family balance of nurses in French hospitals. Leadership in Health Services, 34 (2), 112-130. ; Q2.
  7. Choisay, F., Fouquereau, E., & Chevalier, S. (2021). Le capital psychologique : un construit d’intérêt majeur pour les psychologues du travail. Pratiques psychologiques, 27(1), 19-31. ; Q3.
  8. Choisay, F., Fouquereau, E., Coillot, H., & Chevalier, S. (2021). Validation of the French Psychological Capital Questionnaire (F-PCQ-24) and its measurement invariance with bifactor structural equation modeling framework. Military Psychology, 33(1),50-65.; Q2.
  9. Courtois, R., Schlegel, A., Bonhommet, J., Doineau, E., Bertsch, I., Potard, C., & Pham, T. (2021). Validation française de l’échelle de l’adhésion aux mythes modernes sur l’agression sexuelle (AMMSA) et attachement au partenaire auprès d’étudiants et d’auteurs de violence conjugale. L'Encéphale, 47(6), 554-563 doi: 10.1016/j.encep.2020.11.010 ; Q2.
  10. El Archi, S., Brunault, P., De Luca, A., Cortese, S., Hankard, R., Bourbao-Tournoi, C., Ballon, N., Réveillère, C., & Barrault, S. (2021). Do emotion dysregulation, alexithymia and personality dimensions explain the association between adhd and binge eating among bariatric surgery candidates?", Frontiers in Psychology, 12:745857.; Q2.
  11. El Ayoubi, H., Barrault, S., Gateau, A., Cortese, S., Frammery, J., Mollat, E., Grall-Bronnec, M., Bonnet-Brilhault, F., Ballon, N., & Brunault, P. (2021). Adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder among alcohol use disorder inpatients is associated with food addiction and binge eating, but not BMI. Appetite, 168, 105665; Q1.
  12. Fernet, C., Gillet, N., Austin, S., Trépanier, S.-G., & Drouin-Rousseau, S. (2021). Predicting nurses' occupational commitment and turnover intention: The role of autonomous motivation and supervisor and coworker behaviors. Journal of Nursing Management, 29, 2611-2619. doi: 10.1111/jonm.13433 ; Q1.
  13. Gillet, N., Austin, S., Fernet, C., Sandrin, E., Lorho, F., Brault, S., Becker, M., & Aubouin-Bonnaventure, J. (2021). Workaholism, presenteeism, work-family conflicts, and personal and work outcomes: Testing a moderated mediation model. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 30, 2842-2853.; Q1.
  14. Gillet, N., Huyghebaert-Zouaghi, T., Austin, S., Fernet, C., & Morin, A. J. S. (2021). Remote working: A double-edged sword for workers’ personal and professional well-being. Journal of Management & Organization, 27, 1060-1082. ; Q2.
  15. Gillet, N., Morin, A. J. S., Mokounkolo, R., Réveillère, C., & Fouquereau, E. (2021). A person-centered perspective on the factors associated with the work recovery process. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 34, 571-596.; Q1.
  16. Hegbé, K. G., Réveillère, C., & Barrault, S. (2021). Sexual Addiction and Associated Factors: The Role of Emotion Dysregulation, Impulsivity, Anxiety and Depression, Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 47(8), 785-803. ; Q2.
  17. Hofmans, J., Morin, A. J. S., Breitsohl, H., Ceulemans, E., Chénard-Poirier, L. A., Driver, C. C., Fernet, C., Gagné, M., Gillet, N., González-Romá, V., Grimm, K. J., Hamaker, E. L., Hau, K.-T., Houle, S. A., Howard, J. L., Kline, R. B., Kuijpers, E., Leyens, T., Litalien, D., Mäkikangas, A., Marsh, H. W., McLarnon, M. J. W., Meyer, J. P., Navarro, J., Olivier, E., O’Neill, T. A., Pekrun, R., Salmela-Aro, K., Solinger, O. N., Sonnentag, S., Tay, L., Tóth-Király, I., Vallerand, R. J., Vandenberghe, C., Van Rossenberg, Y. G. T., Vantilborgh, T., Vergauwe, J., Vullinghs, J. T., Wang, M., Wen, Z., & Wille, B. (2021). The baby and the bathwater: On the need for substantive-methodological synergy in organizational research. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 14, 497-504. ; Q2.
  18. Huyghebaert-Zouaghi, T., Berjot, S., Cougot, B., & Gillet, N. (2021). Psychological and relational conditions for job crafting to occur. Stress and Health, 37, 516-527.; Q1.
  19. Huyghebaert-Zouaghi, T., Ntoumanis, N., Berjot, S., & Gillet, N. (2021). Advancing the conceptualization and measurement of psychological need states: A 3 x 3 model based on self-determination theory. Journal of Career Assessment, 29, 396-421. ; Q1.
  20. Lejeune, J., Fouquereau, E., Chenevert, D., Coillot, H., Chevalier, S., Gillet, N., Michon, J., Gandemer, V., & Colombat, P. (2021). The participatory approach: a specific french organizational model at the department level to serve the quality of work life of healthcare providers and the quality of care in pediatric oncology. Cancer management and research, 13, 2763-2771. ; Q3.
  21. Siragusa, M. A., Rufin, T., Courtois, R., Belzung, C., Andersson, F., Brizard, B., Dujardin, P.-A., Cottier, J.-P., Patat, F., Réméniéras, J.-P., Gissot, V., El-Hage, W., Camus, V., & Desmidt, T. (2021). Left amygdala volume and brain tissue pulsatility are associated with neuroticism: an MRI and ultrasound study. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 15, 1499–1507.; Q1.
  22. Vancappel, A., Guerin, L., Réveillère, C., & El-Hage, W. (2021). Disentangling the link between mindfulness and dissociation: The mediating role of attention and emotional acceptance. European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 5(4), 100220. ; NA (ESCI).
  23. Vancappel, A., Jansen, E., Bachem, R., Bray, A., Egreteau, L., Réveillère, C., Maercker, A., & El-Hage, W. (2021). Validation of the French ADNM-20 in the assessment of emotional difficulties resulting from COVID-19 quarantine and outbreak. BMC psychology, 9, 180. ; Q2.
  24. Vancappel, A., Jansen, E., Ouhmad, N., Etain, B., Bergey, C., D'Ussel, M., Krebs, M.-O., Paquet, C., Réveillère, C., Hingray, C.  & El-Hage, W. (2021). Psychological impact of exposure to COVID-19 sanitary crisis on French health care workers : risk factors and coping strategies, Frontiers in Psychiatry-Mood Disorders, 12 : 701127. ; Q1.
  25. Vinciguerra, A., Nanty, I., Guillaumin, C., Rusch, E., Cornu, L., & Courtois, R. (2021). Les déterminants du décrochage dans l’enseignement secondaire : une revue de littérature. Psychologie française, 66(1), 15-40.; Q3.